
3ds max material
3ds max material

Which should work with almost any renderer. And that is an all purpose physically based material. General and the first one is physical material. I'll scroll back up to the top and we see the section for materials. And in order for us to really see that let's add a new material. The navigator just shows you where you are in the view. And over here on the right we have a navigator and a material parameter editor. And that's where we can build a graph and visualize the structure of a shading network. And they'll be saved in your scene even if they're not applied onto any object.

3ds max material

And sample slots are sort of a staging area where you can temporarily store materials while you're working on them. Scene materials are materials that are actually applied onto objects or in this case onto the environment. All the way down at the bottom we have scene materials. And if we scroll down in the material map browser there are a couple of other things in addition to the materials and maps. So the material map browser is a list of all the available materials or shaders and all the maps which can change the various properties of those materials. Over here on the left, is the material map browser which we saw as a floating window in the previous movie. And the Slate Material Editor is divided into a few sections. So I'm going to always work in the Slate Material Editor.

3ds max material

However, I don't recommend that because you can't really easily visualize your shading network. If for some reason you want to go back to that you can choose from the modes menu to go back to the Compact Material Editor. The Compact Material Editor is sort of a left over from the early days of 3ds Max. There's the Slate Material Editor and the Compact Material Editor.

3ds max material

In fact, there are two flavors of the material editor. And it's called the Slate Material Editor. Open that up from its button on the main tool bar or use the keyboard shortcut which is "M". We can take a look at the material editor proper.

3ds max material